DIY: Surf Wax Candles

AHHH…who does not love the sweet smell of surf wax. Actually. It smells like coconut, and the beach, and sunshine, and home. And because we cannot get enough of it, we decided to make candles out of our old surfboard wax!

With this DIY project, your home can always smell like summertime! 

What you need: 
- Surf Wax (3 bars per one medium sized candle)
- Double Broiler
- Wood Skewers
- Candle Wicks (you can find these at any craft store)
- Candle Vessel

First, find a surfboard with old wax on it. If you don’t own one or have access to one, you can always use fresh surf wax.

Begin scraping off wax until you have enough that fills up your vessel, plus some more. The wax will melt down, so you definitely will need more than you think!

After you have acquired all your wax, make a double broiler and begin melting it down. If you chose to purchase surf wax, I suggest slicing it up into smaller chunks as it will be easier to melt. Use your wooden skewers to constantly stir the wax until it has melted down completely. The first candle I made was used with leftover wax which turned to a blue-grey color. The second and third one I made with newly purchased wax.

Once all of the wax is melted, place a candle wick in the center of the vessel and slowly pour the wax into the vessel, filling it up about 2/3rd of  the way. Hold the wick in place until the wax begins to re-set.

After the wax has cooled and set, you are finished! Light away and smell the shore :)

Project and photos via